2022 Draft Budget & Five Year Financial Plan
The 2021 Budget was adopted by Council March 16th, 2021. Information regarding the 2022 budget will be available November, 2021.

March 15, 2022
Council adopted the 2022-2026 five-year financial plan which includes the 2022 budget.
February 23, 2022
Council gave 2nd and 3rd reading to the five-year financial plan which includes the 2022 budget. Council opted to push the hiring of the newly proposed Deputy Fire Chief to mid-year, reducing the 2022 tax impact. As a result, the 2022 property tax increase is now set at 5.88% which represents an approximate $111 residential property tax increase (based on the 2021 BC Assessment average in Lake Country of $993,000). The five-year financial plan will go to Council for final approval and adoption in March.
February 22, 2022
Tonight beginning at 6:30 pm Council will consider public input received since December, in response to the proposed 2022 budget. On January 4th Council gave first reading to a proposed increase of 6.62%. Now that projected growth figures from BC Assessment have been updated, revisions to the proposed tax increase have been made and Council will consider a 6.12% rather than the original 6.62% tax increase for 2nd & 3rd readings at the February 22, 2022 Special Council Meeting. Watch the Council meeting live or the recording at any time.
Council appreciates the many community members who have taken time to be involved throughout this year’s budget process. Council values the questions and comments submitted through Let’s Talk – Lake Country in addition to the many who took the time to attend the February 8th virtual town hall. Full details on the proposed 2022 budget along with questions and comments received, can be found below.
February 4, 2022
Be sure to review the Citizen Bulletin for complete details on the 2022 Budget.
January 5, 2022 - Communication #2
Community is asked to provide input on the 2022 budget
On January 4th Council reviewed the draft five-year financial plan that includes the draft 2022 budget. After careful consideration of the community input throughout 2021 and taking note of the priorities for municipal services expressed by citizens, Council gave first reading to support a proposed 6.62% increase, however, Council is asking the community to provide comments on the proposed increase. Feedback can be provided through Let’s Talk – Lake Country and by attending the February 8th virtual town hall that will begin at 7:00 pm via Facebook Live and Microsoft Livestream.
The proposed 4.85% base increase consists of expenditures required to maintain current standards including year-round sidewalk and road maintenance and current levels of protective services. The additional 1.77% proposed increase includes engineering and environmental consulting services, line painting, road signage, fleet maintenance, arts & culture, a deputy fire chief as well as various part-time positions. Other proposed expenditures were supported, however Council recommended that the cost be funded for one year, through one time reserve funds and not through a tax increase. The grant was provided to the District from the Province in 2020. Full budget details and breakdown of cost can be found at Let’s Talk – Lake Country.
How does the BC Assessment value impact my municipal tax assessment?
Earlier this month BC Assessment released assessments throughout BC that state the value of properties as of July 2021. The average Lake Country single family home is now valued at $993,000 representing a 30.57% increase from 2021. Property owners might be concerned that due to escalating property values, that their municipal tax assessment will increase by the same percentage. This is a common misconception, and the most important factor is not how much your assessed value has changed, but how your assessed value has changed relative to the average change for your property class within the District:
- If your property’s value change was Lower than the average change of 30.57% for the residential class, the impact will likely result in a property tax decrease from 2021*.
- If your property’s value change was Similar to the average change of 30.57% for the residential class, the impact will likely result in no change to your property tax from 2021*.
- If your property’s value change was Higher than the average change of 30.57% for the residential class, the impact will likely result in a property tax increase from 2021*.
*Prior to considering the 2022 proposed tax increase.
Why is the former firehall not being sold to offset District expenses?
Council made the decision in 2021 to not pursue selling the former firehall for a variety of reasons. As the District continues to grow and expand, so will the need for additional property and space to accommodate functions essential for municipal operations to support the growing community. Council has directed that securing options for the future is essential, due to escalating cost of property within the community.
Stay involved.
Lake Country is your community and it’s your responsibility to be involved as Council makes decisions that impact all property owners. There are several ways to do this.
- Know the facts:
- Rumors and hearsay aren’t usually true or factual - take time to review the budget information and watch the January 4th Council meeting video on Let’s Talk- Lake Country
- Ask questions and provide your comments:
- Social media is a tool for information and conversation however if you don’t submit your questions and comments through Let’s Talk – Lake Country it’s likely Council won’t see it, and miss the opportunity of knowing what you’re thinking.
- Attend the virtual town hall on February 8th beginning at 7:00 pm
- Council will be available to answer questions and listen to what your community priorities are. Your input is appreciated and valued – please attend.
- Questions about the virtual town hall? Email communications@lakecountry.bc.ca
Revised - January 4, 2022
Breakdown of 2022 Proposed Increase
Proposed Community Needs | Proposed 2022 Increase | Dollar Value Attributable to Existing Properties | Approximate Average Home Increase ($993,000 – BC Assessment 2021 Avg in Lake Country)
Road Maintenance Contract | 1.57% | $262,716 | $29.32 |
Consumer Price Index | 1.15% | $193,950 | $21.64 |
RCMP Staff Increase | 0.89% | $148,451 | $16.57 |
IT Services Contracts | 0.64% | $106,466 | $11.88 |
Phase Out - Fire Servicing Contract | 0.43% | $72,139 | $8.05 |
Ecole H.S. Grenda Maintenance of Shared Spaces Increase | 0.17% | $28,855 | $3.22 |
Engineering and Environmental Consulting Service | 0.12% | $20,000 | $2.28 |
Line Painting | 0.12% | $20,000 | $2.28 |
Road Signage | 0.12% | $20,000 | $2.28 |
Fleet Maintenance | 0.25% | $40,000 | $4.57 |
Additional Arts & Culture | 0.05% | $7,000 | $0.81 |
Deputy Fire Chief | 0.72% | $118,171 | $13.47 |
Various Part-Time Positions | 0.39% | $64,762 | $7.38 |
PROPOSED TOTAL | 6.62% | $1,102,510 | $123.75 |
December 23, 2022 - Communication #1
Council to consider property tax increase with an emphasis on road maintenance
On January 4th, 2022 Council will be considering the five (5) year financial plan which includes the 2022 budget. Council will consider a proposed base tax increase of 4.85% along with other budget items that require attention. Council will deliberate on the budget proposal and make the final decisions after carefully reviewing community input gathered throughout the months of January and February -- including a virtual town hall scheduled for February 8th, 2022. Everyone in the community is encouraged to get involved and share their interests and concerns in a meaningful and constructive manner to help shape the 2022 budget.
Proposed Community Needs | Proposed 2022 Increase | Dollar Value Attributable to Existing Properties | Approximate Average Home Increase ($760,000 – BC Assessment 2021 Avg in Lake Country)
Road Maintenance Contract | 1.57% | $262,716 | $29.32 |
Consumer Price Index | 1.15% | $193,950 | $21.64 |
RCMP Staff Increase | 0.89% | $148,451 | $16.57 |
IT Services Contracts | 0.64% | $106,466 | $11.88 |
Phase Out - Fire Servicing Contract | 0.43% | $72,139 | $8.05 |
Ecole H.S. Grenda Maintenance of Shared Spaces Increase | 0.17% | $28,855 | $3.22 |
For each 0.01% added to the budget - the average home will pay approximately an additional $0.19 towards municipal services.
Municipalities in BC are governed by the Province and have a requirement to provide the community roads, water, waste water and policing. Each year the District must have an approved budget that is linked to a five (5) year financial plan. The proposed yearly budget is linked to population growth as well as a careful review of what services and facilities the community requires throughout the calendar year.
Road Maintenance Contract:
With severe weather events becoming increasingly frequent and the safety of the community being paramount, the need to plan for additional snow clearing of both roads and sidewalks is necessary. In addition, the District is responsible for de-icing, street sweeping, and maintenance of gravel roads, while continuously ensuring established levels of service are maintained. These services all come with a cost. Local to Lake Country- the team at Digg’N 4 U, provides the community with timely and responsive road maintenance, with the goal of keeping Lake Country safe year-round.
Consumer Price Index:
Consumer Price Index also known as CPI, is used to measure the average cost change over time in the prices paid for goods and services, and accounts for inflation. Inflation for services has risen significantly over the past 12 months ranging from 3.5% - 4% in BC. As a result, there has been increases on most goods and services costs in addition to wage and benefit increases.
RCMP Staff Increase:
In 2020 Council approved the cost of acquiring five (5) additional RCMP officers. Half the cost of the new officers was incorporated into the 2020 budget and the second half in 2021. Currently the Lake Country detachment has a compliment of 14 RCMP members and adequate budget to recruit additional members to support the community as we continue to grow. In 2021 the collective agreement for the RCMP was ratified resulting in a 23.7% wage increase over six years. RCMP wages and wage increases are to be budgeted by the municipality they support.
IT Service Contracts:
Streamlining building and development permit applications, improving data management processes, and boosting efficiencies requires substantial upgrades to the District’s technology platforms. In addition to implementing service contracts with vendors, annual fees must be budgeted for. Technology along with process improvements will result in enhanced customer service levels.
Phase Out - Fire Servicing Contract:
In 2021 the City of Kelowna phased out the fire protection contract they had in place with the District of Lake Country Fire Department. This resulted in a net reduction in revenue from the prior year budget.
École H S Grenda Middle Maintenance of Shared Spaces:
Earlier this year the new middle school opened its doors welcoming grade six (6) and seven (7) students as well as offering the French immersion program. The District has the opportunity to utilize common areas of the middle school to offer programming to the community. The proposed lease arrangement will be similar to the agreement that has provided community programing at George Elliot Secondary School.
Share your Viewpoint:
Council wants to hear what you think about the five (5) year financial plan and the 2022 budget. On January 4th beginning at 4:30 pm Council will review the proposed financial plan in detail at the Special Council Meeting, and you are invited to join in person or virtually from the comfort of your home on any device. On February 8th join Council for a virtual town hall. This will be an excellent opportunity to ask questions and tell Council what your priorities are for Lake Country. Review the five (5) year financial plan, documents, important meeting dates, links, and to submit questions or comments visit Let’s Talk-Lake Country.
Stay informed
Receive updates directly sent to your inbox, as Council goes through the five (5) year financial plan and 2022 budget process. Subscribe at www.lakecountry.bc.ca/subscribe
The 2021 Budget was adopted by Council March 16th, 2021. Information regarding the 2022 budget will be available November, 2021.
If you have a question or comment regarding the 2022 Budget or the Five Year Financial Plan - please feel free to submit and one of the District's team members will respond back to you. All questions and comments will be provided to Council for their review.
Thank you in advance for participating.